Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 2 Hong Kong

Isabel comes today - super excited!

She arrives at 12:45 and so we have time for breakfast and shopping.  Amazingly, there are French bakeries on almost every street, and we had chocolate croissants and a raspberry financier.  With coffee of course!  Then we hit the streets for more shopping.

Still crazy hot and humid - and for those of you in CC who think you might be used to it, I have one word HAH. Because of the density, there is no breeze, and even the locals are uncomfortable.

Back to hotel to wait for Isabel - so great to see her and give her a big hug.  It's been 7 months which was too long.

Then we went out for noodles - with shrimp dumplings for me, and pork dumplings for the meat eater.  Tiny place, and we got to see the dumpling guy make them - Isabel's estimate is that he did about 30/minute.  I just say that his hands were constantly in motion.

Then we shopped - in the rain.  Rain kinda cooled things down, but the humidity rose to about 200%!

Back to the hotel for me, while Loren and Isabel shopped for a while at "mall" PMQ with many small shops of items made in Hong Kong.

They came back, rested, then out to see city at night.
Intro of prototype Mercedes model

Central Pier

Enormous Apple Store

Night View from room

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