Monday, October 5, 2015

October 4 - last day

Happy 60th to Fred!

Yesterday's cultural tour was of ancient Korea - today's is of modern.  We went to Dongdaemun Design Plaza, really interesting place.  Be sure to google images for it since my phone pics can't do it justice.  Over 40,000 sheets of aluminum coat the exterior.  There are ancient ruins on the site, but no way to really get close to them.

You know I called this blog "heatanhumidity" when I started it in Hong Kong, but it should really have been called "food&shopping".  Even at DDP, we managed to find a great store selling very modern items designed and made in Korea.

One of many great things about Korea is the excellent public transportation.  We took subways everywhere in Seoul, which definitely help with avoiding traffic congestion.  Here's a subway map to give you an idea of how extensive it is.  And the buses we took, Incheon to Daejeon, Daejeon to Seoul, and then Seoul to Incheon, were like tour buses - assigned seats that recline, and are super comfortable.

Last pics with Isabel in front of hotel - then to bus stop a block away.  Last hugs with her, but no tears.  Great to see how she has matured and really grown in confidence.  She toured us around Seoul and the subway like a native.

Long flight to Seattle, leaving at 4:45 pm on Sunday October 4th, and arriving in Seattle at 11 am also on Sunday, October 4th.  International Dateline messing with us 😃

Slept on airport benches for a couple hours - yep, that tired - then flight to Bozeman.  Picked up Charlie from the dog sitter, got groceries and finally home.

It was a GREAT trip.  Best part was spending time with Isabel.  Also the food and shopping!  And seeing South Korea,  a new country (for me).  It's also been fun writing this blog - had thought of doing it before we left, and thanks to Michael and Fred for encouraging me to do it.

If anyone is interested in going - highly encourage it.  Amazing part of the world, and great way to expand your horizons.  Love to all.

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